Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to get free content?

Question what is the best way to get free content?
Hello, i started few new websites and i need unique content for them. i wonder what are the best ways to get it for free, or at least in exchange for something other than links back? i also put few volunteer ads jobs but i got only few articles from that. Thanks

Here some tips that you can do to get free content for your blog :

1. Ask someone who is just starting as an article writer. Give them acknowledgement in the articles for their work, so that they can use this as one of their work samples to get more jobs. Check the freelance sites. Check the article for uniqueness before publishing it.
2. True that, bigcroc. I haven't done it lately much, but sometimes initially just giving people acknowledgement for their work can be good enough. Some people enjoy writing and if they can write for a great site they like and can believe in, they might be ready to write for free. Obviously, only if that's not their day job.
3. just little free , but if we find on net we can obtain , we have to get some info and modify on our own way which will our unique contained article.
4. If its a blog you can get some free (and unique) content that will pass google from free wordpress plugin
5. writing it yourself is the only way my friend and that will take time which is money... You're going to have to give up something for those articles... Netfisher made a great point with a contest of some sort..
6. have you explored autoblogging?
7. write it yourself or ask for guest bloggers
8. Amazingly kids are so in touch with everything and are so opinionated that I have been actually posting my child's writing on my blog.
9. Run an article contest with a free something/something for the best article.
10. Am not sure i read right, if you are looking for FREE content then you have another thing coming. Try engaging Article writers and pay them well otherwise you may get stuck at a single point.

via DP